Before I was a photographer I was a writer. And before I was a writer I was a photographer. And before I was a photographer I was a writer. It's funny how things come full circle sometimes.
Even funnier is how things come in to fill the circle that have no relation to the circle itself other than to give it shape and definition. In other words, the circle is me, the unrelated fillers are the experiences outside of what I consider to be my truest callings that have conspired to make me who I am in defiance of who I want to be. Does that even make sense?
No matter. I call it as I see it and as long as it makes sense to me it makes sense (at least in some sense of the word).
I have another blog, one I started a few months ago, intending to showcase my photographic works. You can find it at, a blog title I am assured is too challenging for anyone to remember and thus likely doomed to oblivion from the start. Meaning it will be a miracle if anyone ever manages to stumble across it, much less remember it.
All the more reason for me to like it. Because of the first paragraph of this first blog post of my second ever blog. Because the fact that I was ever a photographer or a writer was as unlikely a happening as popes and bears swapping places in that old joke about popes and bears (no, if you haven't heard it, you won't hear it here), eclipsed only by the unlikelihood of my becoming both. That I made a living at both for a number of years prior to my current gig is even more unlikely.
Except that it happened. And because it did happen I see it as entirely possible that the impossible moniker of Picturesque Photographic could one day be a household name. Or at least a name not impossible to remember, much less spell. Which, in turn, gives hope to the title known as The (sometimes) Amusing Muse. Which, in turn, gives hope for me.
I don't know what direction this soon to be meandering collection of essays is likely to take. It may even take all of them (directions, I mean). Time will tell.
I only know that in a nearly eight year absence from steady writing, my brief forays into that medium are less than satisfactory and are, in fact sometimes reeking of a pessimism and bitterness that I don't feel on a conscious level but surely must hide just below the surface. Perhaps, even as this tidies up the prose, it will exorcise the demons that haunt my halting literary attempts.
Stay with me and we'll find out together as we occasionally come to this dusty corner room and pull the chain on the reading lamp for a few minutes release from the world beyond these walls. Let us see where it takes us. Welcome aboard.
Until next time....